Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hitman The APBT Completes Safe Dog Certification Program

On September 25th, 2009 my very special and sexy black APBT named Hitman achieved his Safe Dog Certification through the ADBA. This is a new program for testing dogs for soundness of temperament and character, along with a responsible owner test, a very challenging Canine Good Citizen and Temperament Test. Hitman is now the third dog in ADBA American Dog Breeders Association to accomplish this huge achievement. As his owner I am very proud of my boy, as he was a rescue dog that was starved and abused by his breeder. Hitman has taken over a year to recover from horrible abuse, neglect and starvation, part of his recovery process was constant love, nutrition and lots of obedience work to help him through, refocusing on positive reinforcement and lots of love. Today he is a healthy 60 LBS , a year ago he was recovered at a mere 40lbs and severely dehydrated all done by an animal hoarder. Animal hoarders are mentally ill individuals, who may never get the help they need, if you know of an animal hoarder report them to your local authorities and do everything you can to help those animals.

Hitman today

Sunday, October 11, 2009

River Run Photo Shoot

On Oct 7th 2009 I took four of my babies to the river in Monroe, WA. It was a beautiful fall day and I found the perfect spot for great shots, I found a tree on the river bank that had the root base half washed away from the river and nice sloping bank. I was able to get below my dogs for the shot and got some great angles. Here they are enjoy.
                                                   This is Ms Vivie posing on river bank